Why should you choose a professional photographer over your friend?
It´s beautiful to see breath-taking pics of your friends traveling the world and sharing their memorable moments through the social media. Everyone is sure they can take photos ergo they think they can be a professional photographer at any event – a wedding, any type of event, press conference, teambuilding event or PR photo shoot for your company.
And also, mobile phones have high quality digital cameras which have won multiple awards so why spend money for a professional photographer when your friend´s holiday pictures look so perfect?
Benefits of a professional photographer
Briefly said, a professional photographer has many years of practise that have developed their knowledge, skills, creative vision, and they also have loads of professional equipment to do their job.
Creative Vision
Professional photographer doesn´t only take a pic as we do with our mobile phones. They see the result in context before they press the shutter-release button. They consider the lighting conditions, distance, technical features, and then get in the right position to have the best shot which is going to fit the document you are paying them to put together. The professional brings their creative vision whilst the amateur doesn´t really focus on creativity. Or their experience haven´t got to certain skill set that you are automatically expecting from someone with an SLR camera.
Profesionalny fotograf svadba wedding event photography kreatívny creative lindiask
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Skilled photographer can predict and wait for the right moment, for laugh outbursts, for tears etc.. They can feel that the moment is changing into a photogenic one. They also know when not to take the photo. 🙂 Photographs of people eating, or from behind the altar or of sweaty and glistening people is not winning the lottery really. A Professional knows exactly what makes his clients happy and what not. They gained their skills working long years in the business and experienced many different situations where they have learned a lot. Because of these experiences they can help you, guide you, and document things you didn´t even know would be important. Why don´t you choose this kind of experience? Yes, it is great if someone can take a beautiful and perfect photo. But you have to always consider if it is only about one photo at your event, wedding or you need someone to take tons of them in time sensitive and technical circumstances and whether this is the right moment when you want to risk the outcome.
Profesionalny fotograf svadba wedding event photography kreatívny creative lindiask
linda kisková bohušová peter kiska bratislava trnava nitra žilina wien trenčín najlepsi fotograf na event
Professional Equipment
Taking beautiful pictures is not only about luck, but it sometime plays its role in the process. But it is mostly about the understanding of how the light influences the object it´s shinning at, the correct composition, correct camera settings etc. In order to get superb photo, the photographer should use the professional equipment. We all know that smartphones have their limits. The term SLR camera is also a very broad one. Every type of photography has its own nuances; there is a need for different lenses, different light. Trust me, you can´t even fathom how technically broad of a term it is. If you care about your photos make sure that the professional you are considering is someone with backup equipment, too.
Ability to work with different light conditions
The light conditions during an event change. There is a lot of light and then there is very little light. There is a big difference to shoot in perfect weather conditions in the exterior and then to shoot in the interior – in demanding circumstances during a gala, an event or a concert. Good piece of advice for you – call a professional who has experience in given field. Don´t ask an amateur or photo enthusiast who shoots the nature, or animals. You won´t be satisfied with the result of their “vision” of the event.
Profesionalny fotograf svadba wedding event photography kreatívny creative lindiask
linda kisková bohušová peter kiska bratislava trnava nitra žilina wien trenčín najlepsi fotograf na event
Ability to ease and make your guests laugh
A professional, either an extrovert in nature or an introvert, knows, from the experience, how to “make things happen”. They know how to entertain the guests to such extent that they find themselves laughing, crying, dancing etc. And you know that this is the right person for the job, not someone doing it for the first time. Therefore if you choose well, you won´t get any scare or discomfort of your guests but you´ll have them loosen up and relaxed as you have wished.
Profesionalny fotograf svadba wedding event photography kreatívny creative lindiask
linda kisková bohušová peter kiska bratislava trnava nitra žilina wien trenčín najlepsi fotograf na event
A professional should really be a professional
The real professional doesn´t brag, doesn´t cause any panic or fear, is happy to give any form of advice or answer any questions.
Ask, ask, ask
About their equipment, the delivery method, sample of their work, but not only at their web page. When it comes to documentary photography, ask for the whole album in blogs if they aren´t uploaded automatically. Distinguish between a professional photographer and someone who thinks they are a professional photographer. Real professional won´t hold anything back, talks to you really straight and has no problem to issue an invoice for their services. Their enterprise is transparent and everyone can be sure that this person can´t and won´t risk their reputation. Plainly said, who asks a lot, learns a lot. 🙂
When you pick a professional photographer you get a sort of guaranty that you won´t be disappointed from the outcome. Only if you don´t make a mistake with your choice of a professional photographer. If you shoulder the burden of responsibility to your friend and won´t be satisfied with the results, what will happen to your relationship…?
Don´t put your friendship into jeopardy. Book a professional photographer for your event. They´ll take the photos you want without the risk to ruin your friendship – ant they also make it possible for your friend to enjoy this event as a guest! Trust us, to be a guest is splendid. They can be only an enthusiast who shoots the event only as a bystander and as they like without the tremendeous responsibility for the result.
If you have decided to book us, please don´t worry to ask or contact us. If we can and have the time, we will be very happy to show you our perspective and offer you our photographic services. 🙂
Profesionalny fotograf svadba wedding svadobný event photography kreatívny creative lindiask
linda kisková bohušová peter kiska bratislava trnava nitra žilina wien trenčín najlepsi fotograf na event
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